In February 2018, an Environmental-Scan (E-Scan) was implemented as the first step toward the development of the Indigenous Culture and Wellness Centre (ICWC). The E-Scan examined facilities in the Edmonton area and nationally; identified Indigenous-led or Indigenous-serving programs and services; determined the needs and interests of Indigenous Peoples; identified existing gaps; and captured the urban Indigenous community’s vision for an ICWC.
Through the E-Scan, Indigenous People living in Edmonton identified several needs for the ICWC:
It must be inclusive of all Indigenous Peoples (Métis, Inuit and First Nations).
It will be a ceremonial space where traditional and contemporary Indigenous cultural activities and practices can take place.
It needs to house programs, resources and services addressing urban Indigenous Peoples’ needs.
It must be Indigenous-led, and involve the Indigenous community living in Edmonton in all stages of its development.
The building will be iconic, and located on a significant site within the Edmonton area, with a space capable of reflecting both indoor and outdoor elements. The community determined that the ICWC must be on a sizeable and centrally-located piece of land near water.
The ICWC will have a generational focus in mind. Future Indigenous youth, with seven generations in mind, shall benefit from this long-needed initiative.
Finally, the community decided the building should be designed by an Indigenous architect who recognizes the urban Indigenous community’s diversity.